I'm glad to see you found a style to express your ideas. I particularly liked your descriptions of taste, the noble soul, the return to religion, and cruelty, but I have some reservations about the more central ideas.
It's certainly true that disaffection is building along with an even more rapid breakdown in the stabilizing forces of society. Static friction--i.e. the extreme conservatism of our day--is the main force holding everything together. The time is ripe for ideological movements and a sudden disruption.
But anything like a revived state in the current sense, let alone something like the 1930's state, is entirely out of the question. The preconditions necessary for it are almost entirely absent. The narrow horizons bound by myth, the social homogeneity, the social consensus stemming from a monopoly of Truth, belief in unconditional authority, and the sense of duty are all diminishing by the day. The state now stands on foundations which have been washed away from under it. It could not have been built on today's soil as it now stands. It too, stands only by habit.
As you mentioned, democracy is the main source of legitimacy for the state, democracy requires a degree of homogeneity, and political formulas are particularly liable to crack via nihilism. Wouldn't democracy then be one of the very next casualties of this process? The breakdown in cultural norms, wealth inequality, and racial diversity have stretched it to its limits. Perhaps smaller dimensions could be found, but how would that consensus be established?
I can imagine the emergence of an ideological minority--perhaps powerful, organized minorities, but still a minority--that is dispersed across countries. I don't see how something like conscription could be possible.
I can't imagine the future iteration of the state being the conventional "territorial monopoly of force." I suspect it would be far weaker, smaller, more decentralized and informal. It would be less sovereign and hegemonic and its efforts would be focused on forming alliances and maintaining the loyalty of its constituents. It would be hardly worth calling a state at all.
There would be plenty of gaps for these international ideological movements to fill. Perhaps we would see something like the predatory brotherhoods Nietzsche envisioned.
And then the next problem: anti-ideology ideologies. This would be a much more complete form of nihilism and one that can win the support of the utility-minded lastmen and the ambitious ideological types alike. A very strong case could be made for such (I once wrote a piece called "The Immoralist Manifesto" putting forward exactly that behind the ironical title). Perhaps it's natural for ideologies to short-circuit and self-destruct when pushed to their logical conclusions.
Perhaps I’m wrong, though. Perhaps there’s some mechanism that inspires a whole population to act in a given way like clockwork, something like Yockey’s civilizational soul-cloud. I still have no understanding as to how fashions and fads work, let alone the higher manifestations of this phenomenon. This is still a mystery to me.
Fantastic read, one of the best even within the Nietzschean camp. Look forward to more.
I'm glad to see you found a style to express your ideas. I particularly liked your descriptions of taste, the noble soul, the return to religion, and cruelty, but I have some reservations about the more central ideas.
It's certainly true that disaffection is building along with an even more rapid breakdown in the stabilizing forces of society. Static friction--i.e. the extreme conservatism of our day--is the main force holding everything together. The time is ripe for ideological movements and a sudden disruption.
But anything like a revived state in the current sense, let alone something like the 1930's state, is entirely out of the question. The preconditions necessary for it are almost entirely absent. The narrow horizons bound by myth, the social homogeneity, the social consensus stemming from a monopoly of Truth, belief in unconditional authority, and the sense of duty are all diminishing by the day. The state now stands on foundations which have been washed away from under it. It could not have been built on today's soil as it now stands. It too, stands only by habit.
As you mentioned, democracy is the main source of legitimacy for the state, democracy requires a degree of homogeneity, and political formulas are particularly liable to crack via nihilism. Wouldn't democracy then be one of the very next casualties of this process? The breakdown in cultural norms, wealth inequality, and racial diversity have stretched it to its limits. Perhaps smaller dimensions could be found, but how would that consensus be established?
I can imagine the emergence of an ideological minority--perhaps powerful, organized minorities, but still a minority--that is dispersed across countries. I don't see how something like conscription could be possible.
I can't imagine the future iteration of the state being the conventional "territorial monopoly of force." I suspect it would be far weaker, smaller, more decentralized and informal. It would be less sovereign and hegemonic and its efforts would be focused on forming alliances and maintaining the loyalty of its constituents. It would be hardly worth calling a state at all.
There would be plenty of gaps for these international ideological movements to fill. Perhaps we would see something like the predatory brotherhoods Nietzsche envisioned.
And then the next problem: anti-ideology ideologies. This would be a much more complete form of nihilism and one that can win the support of the utility-minded lastmen and the ambitious ideological types alike. A very strong case could be made for such (I once wrote a piece called "The Immoralist Manifesto" putting forward exactly that behind the ironical title). Perhaps it's natural for ideologies to short-circuit and self-destruct when pushed to their logical conclusions.
Perhaps I’m wrong, though. Perhaps there’s some mechanism that inspires a whole population to act in a given way like clockwork, something like Yockey’s civilizational soul-cloud. I still have no understanding as to how fashions and fads work, let alone the higher manifestations of this phenomenon. This is still a mystery to me.
Wonderful read, Thanks.